Visitation Sessions
Visitation Sessions (A Podcast)
"Let the Catholic Circular Firing Squad Commence"

"Let the Catholic Circular Firing Squad Commence"

On Harrison Butker's Commencement Address, Social Media Reactions, and What It Says About Us All

This week, your hosts Chris and Emily Chapman and Casey and KATE Stapleton (not Chris Stapleton 🤦🏼‍♀️) review some of the flash points in Butker’s Benedictine speech and discuss why both the speech and Emily’s Substack article about it are making so many people so danged crazy.

Note 1: This will be our last podcast for the next two to three months, as the Chapmans head off on pilgrimage, the Stapletons head off on tour, and we all try to keep our houses from collapsing down around us. Thank you so much for listening to this first season of Visitation Sessions, and if you don’t want to miss the first episode of Season Two, when it premiers later this summer, subscribe to our Substack today.

Note 2: Emily wants you to know she was having a hard time with words the day we recorded this and besides referring to Kate as Chris in the opening and forgetting the word liceity, she also said that Saul was going door to door in ancient Jerusalem dragging Jews out of their houses. They were Jews. And they weren’t yet called Christians. But it was the Jews who followed Christ that he was after, just in case there was any confusion on that point.

Note 3: If you’re enjoying this podcast, we would love it if you could head over to Apple and say nice things about us. Just nice things, please. Emily could use a break from being called bad names.

Mentioned on the Podcast:

Harrison Butker’s Commencement Address

Nostra Aetate (Declaration on the Relation of the Church to Non-Christian Religions)

Ohio State University 2024 Commencement Address

Butker’s Speech by Amy Welborn

In Case You Missed It

Men (and Women) at Work

Hard Workin’ Women

In Search of the Masculine Genius

Discussion about this podcast

Visitation Sessions
Visitation Sessions (A Podcast)
A podcast on the sacred, the profane, and everything in between, co-hosted by Emily and Chris Chapman and Kate and Casey Stapleton.