Kate has the most beautiful speaking voice I’ve ever heard.

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I was laughing out loud at the end when you were talking about trying to reach your wife when you’re at the grocery store! Literally the last thing my husband says to me when he goes to the grocery store is keep your phone close! When my adult daughter goes, she ends up FaceTiming me for the whole trip and I always think I could just be there myself. It would be faster!!! In terms of putting the podcast on video, I listen to your podcast while I’m working so I just listen and don’t look at a screen. There are other podcasts I listen to that are on YouTube and I can see the people, but I don’t really pay attention to it and to me it always looks like they are talking to each other. It doesn’t seem like they are on a TV show or something like that. My daughter also listens to podcast while she is at work (she is a cake decorator). So I think a lot of people like the freedom to just listen while they’re doing something else. You all keep me company while I’m working. Thanks for your willingness to share your struggles. It makes me feel more normal! And thanks for making me laugh.

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To answer the question Emily, no, you are certainly not the only person who walks around feeling like a failure! All the things you said - I could be more loving, more gentle, more attentive, etc…that’s me too. I like Kate’s goal of thinking of myself as less of a failure…that is worthy goal and would definitely be a challenge, but would be better for myself, my kids and my husband. I also think this is just a struggle for (all?) moms of very young children…it is hard to have many littles at once who all need all your supervision and help in addition to love and play and attention. It’s a lot for anyone, and that’s on top of work and housework and cooking and maybe somewhere in there some recreation for yourself?

As for going to video, I personally prefer listening just as audio, because I often listen (via headphones) while rocking children or cooking or cleaning and I find having a video going on my phone as distracting. I also find if I am watching something on YouTube, I get easily distracted when it is finished with other videos, which leads to wasting time, and the same does not happen after listening to a podcast. I focus more on the words I am hearing and then I like sitting in the silence (maybe) afterwards and reflecting on what I just heard. I agree also that while listening I feel brought into the conversation, but I think on video you would naturally be looking at each other, and I would feel less “a part of the conversation” I think. If that makes sense.

Also, I am excited about your book Kate, whenever it is released!

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I enjoy your conversations and as Carrie said below I often listen while I'm multi-tasking- washing dishes, folding laundry, holding the baby and applauding the pre-schooler's agile and daring moves on the playground. So- adding video would do absolutely nothing to enhance my experience of your project and would maybe even detract- bright shiny lights to distract the kids, can't just have my phone in my pocket with the screen off because of accidental pauses and bumps, etc. You guys are awesome but I'm not staying up late after the kids are down to watch you talk while I enjoy listening earlier just fine. You all have fantastic radio voices.

I noticed the Hallow app recently added video to the daily reflections for Jeff Cavins and my thoughts are the same- This isn't making me listen better, I'm not getting more out of seeing him read his notes and I'm either doing something else or sitting quietly to reflect. I used to work in the digital marketing space so I totally understand the rush to do the NEXT THING and how people say video is EVERYTHING but as with everything, use the right tool for the job. And do we really need people staring at their phones more? Emily, don't feel pressured to get done up. Your attic is fine, keep the winter coats and cobwebs or puffs of insulation or whatever- someone walking in and out of the frame to check on a screaming kid, I don't know. We don't need to see behind the scenes and your hands are full with your lead remediation or whatever anyways.

Also regarding Saint Nicholas rescuing children from a murderous butcher or inn-keeper- I also saw this story in a picture book - The Legend of Saint Nicholas by Demi- check it out.

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Casey, thanks for mentioning the Desert Fathers in a Year podcast. I just checked it out.

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I always wondered about Jesus’s fingers! 😂

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