Visitation Sessions
Visitation Sessions (A Podcast)
Building a Domestic Church (& More)

Building a Domestic Church (& More)


Today, we’re talking about homeschooling, the purpose of the domestic Church, why awkwardness matters, and a whole lot more of listener requested topics, in this special Q&A Episode.

In This Episode:

Guns, Germs, and Steel: The Fate of Human Societies by Jared Diamond

John Henry (Tonie character)

John Henry (short—Also available on Disney Plus)

Future Faithful Families Project

“Every Tech Tool in the Classroom Should Be Ruthlessly Evaluated,” by Jessica Gros

“To Fight Less About Books in Schools, Have More Books at Home” by Brandon McGinley (Paywalled. Sorry!)

Discussion about this podcast

Visitation Sessions
Visitation Sessions (A Podcast)
A podcast on the sacred, the profane, and everything in between, co-hosted by Emily and Chris Chapman and Kate and Casey Stapleton.